Tyre Recycling
777 Group has moved further into the tyre recycling market with the official launch of new technology capable of removing 100% of metal from used tyres.
This investment in tyre shredding technology at our Beddington recycling centre, has enabled us to increase our tyre reprocessing capability of 30 tonnes of tyres a day into rubber chippings.
The tyre shredding plant was officially launched On August 22nd 2008, with the technology allowing 777 to reprocess spent tyres from the public, councils and commercial businesses.
The technology, based on magnetic extraction, will allow 777 to increase its foothold in the tyre recycling market, making it capable of producing between 15 and 30 tonnes of 20 mm rubber chippings a day which are then sold onto third parties for use in artificial flooring surfaces or to be further processed.
Spent tyres from cars, trucks and larger plants are fed into a pre-shredder, which cuts tyres into 200ml strips before they are fed into the main shredder, which then further processes the tyres into 20ml strips. The strips are then passed under a magnet where metal wiring in the tyres is extracted.
The 777 Group offers a collection service for tyres, as well as accepting tyres delivered to the site from local businesses such as tyre fitters and garages. During commissioning stages 20,000 fly-tipped tyres were reprocessed on behalf of Croydon council.
Any Enquires should be directed at Malcolm Beattie on 0208 689 6861

Stockpile of tyres waiting to be chipped

777's Indoor tyre treament facility

Result; 20mm, 100% Wire free chipings